Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2011«

Pen Name or not?

February 27, 2011


So, if you have read the about page, then you will know that Anna K. Asher is a pen name. Nothing has been published under Anna K. Asher, but I have been thinking lately whether or not if I should use it when I publish something, or go with my real name (which will remain […]

Three words

February 25, 2011


Those three simple words change lives, are written in poetry, yelled from rooftops and mountains, wished to hear from someone, painted on walls. Powerful, world-changing. Have you said them today? Or have you showed them today? Because the cliche goes, love is a verb, so verb it. Verb out your love. Love, a.k.a

“Voices” by iCon

February 24, 2011


New Orleans poet/spoken word artist, iCon, of the 2010 National Group Piece Championship team, Team SNO (Slam New Orleans), recites her new piece, “Voices”.

Need a little prompting?

February 23, 2011


Easy Street Prompts feeling creatively stuck? Well, this is the unsticking place. You’ll find a new visual or random-words inspiration every single day just for artists, writers, and the terminally creative. Once you’ve scared away The Block, post your work in the comments or leave a link for us to visit. Let’s start a creative […]

The listening game

February 23, 2011


There are so many ways to listen. Audibly, visually, tangibly. In this fast pace moving world, people only have a certain amount they will listen to or read. Things stop people before they can even hear if it is something they want to know.  Certain words, people presenting it, pictures, etc. And when people choose […]

Follow the sounds of my tweeting…

February 22, 2011


I have set up a twitter account where I can tweet about this blog. Please feel free to follow me to get the latest updates about a.k.a Click on the blue bird to start following me!

The true rainy mood

February 21, 2011


On rainy days that colors outside are so vivid. It’s like the color come alive and show their true colors. (Sort of off the subject, the same thing happens when you get a raw unpolished stone wet, it shows its true colors.) It’s funny how rainy days can get us feeling gloomy. It it like […]

Google word search

February 21, 2011


Comic by Dave Coverly…


February 21, 2011


I am writing three novels right now. I know people say you should focus on just one novel at a time, but I find that extremely difficult to do. There are so many stories that are flying around and the few we catch, I believe, I must write them down before I lose them.  I […]

Helloo world!

February 21, 2011


Whether I am saying hello to the whole wide world or just one person (you), I am please to announce “this is my blog!” I have other blogs, but those can seem overwhelming at times. I have to come with essays and interesting posts. This blog has no assumed importance and so therefore I am […]