Pen Name or not?

Posted on February 27, 2011


So, if you have read the about page, then you will know that Anna K. Asher is a pen name. Nothing has been published under Anna K. Asher, but I have been thinking lately whether or not if I should use it when I publish something, or go with my real name (which will remain a secret, at this time). So many great writers have used pen names and so many have not. I cannot decide yet what I want to do. I like my pen name, but I also like my own name. So while I have been pondering this not-so-world-changing thought, I wanted to write a post about to get it of my chest and hoping that once I write about it I could make a decision.
So there, it is written and I still don’t know. Any thoughts you guys want to share with me?


Posted in: writing