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Pen Name or not?

February 27, 2011


So, if you have read the about page, then you will know that Anna K. Asher is a pen name. Nothing has been published under Anna K. Asher, but I have been thinking lately whether or not if I should use it when I publish something, or go with my real name (which will remain […]

Need a little prompting?

February 23, 2011


Easy Street Prompts feeling creatively stuck? Well, this is the unsticking place. You’ll find a new visual or random-words inspiration every single day just for artists, writers, and the terminally creative. Once you’ve scared away The Block, post your work in the comments or leave a link for us to visit. Let’s start a creative […]


February 21, 2011


I am writing three novels right now. I know people say you should focus on just one novel at a time, but I find that extremely difficult to do. There are so many stories that are flying around and the few we catch, I believe, I must write them down before I lose them.  I […]